Our Beliefs | Our Staff
The Shared Life & Beliefs of the Chippewa Valley Church
“May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” [John 17:23 NIV]
These statements begin with the highest historical Christian essentials and move towards our common aspirations to be well-connected in Christ.

GOD: Father, Son and Holy Spirit - We believe in and we surrender our lives to the one God who made the heavens and the earth and who breathed life into humanity. We believe in the Triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – who is holy, loving, good, wise and almighty.
GOD: Father, Son and Holy Spirit - We believe in and we surrender our lives to the one God who made the heavens and the earth and who breathed life into humanity. We believe in the Triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – who is holy, loving, good, wise and almighty.
1. Our greatest love and ultimate loyalties are to the Father, who is over all and in all and through all; to Jesus the Son, who is both Lord and Christ; and to the Holy Spirit, who lives in us and empowers us to overcome the workings of the sinful nature (Acts 2:22-36, Romans 8:12-28).
2. The cornerstone of our faith is our belief in Jesus Christ. Everything we hold dear in our faith originates from his words and his way of life (John 3:16, John 12:47-48, Hebrews 12:2, 1 John 2:5-6).
3. Our eternal purpose is to know God, to glorify him as God, and let our life shine so others will see God (Matthew 5:14-15, Ephesians 3:19-20).

GOSPEL: the work of God - The culminating event of the Christian faith occurred between the time of the Passover and Pentecost at the end of the Gospels through the early part of the book of Acts. The suffering, testimony under accusation, death, burial, resurrection and ascension of the perfect Lamb of God is the substance of our faith. Many were eyewitnesses to the atonement, the risen Jesus as “both Lord and Christ,” and they heard the promise that was for everyone, even “those who are far off” (Luke 1:1-4; Acts 2:36, 39).
4. Our salvation totally depends on the work of God and nothing of our own merit. That work of God is one of mercy and grace. That work redeems those who hear, believe, and accept the Gospel message by repenting and being baptized into Christ through their faith in God’s power (Romans 2:7, Acts 2:22-37, Ephesians 2:8-10, Colossians 2:12).
5. Our earthly mission involves every member’s participation in bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to all parts of the world. As we go about this mission, our testimony must be consistent with a Christ-like life of doing good - bringing about healing as well as supporting and encouraging other Christians and churches around the world (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 10:37-38, Colossians 3:1-6).
6. Our motivation to love God, one another, and the lost is prompted by God’s love for us. God clearly demonstrated this love by the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on a cross for our behalf (2 Corinthians 5:14-21, 1 John 3:16, Luke 10:27).

THE INDIVIDUAL: the posture of God’s children - As disciples of Jesus, we surrender our lives to his Lordship. We rejoice in our adoption as God’s children and each accept the call to be holy and follow the example of Jesus.
7. Our discipleship to Christ involves an understanding of and a commitment to surrender to His Lordship according to his terms - a daily decision to deny self and persevere (Luke 9:23ff; 14:33, Romans 2:7, Hebrews 10:32-39).
8. Our conversion begins by a belief in Jesus as God’s Son, and in his death and resurrection from the dead. Next comes an unmistakable repentance of sin, embracing discipleship, and a confession of “Jesus is Lord”. This leads to the gift of rebirth as we are immersed in water for the forgiveness of our sins and the promise that God will give us the Holy Spirit to dwell in us (John 20:31, Luke 14:25-33, Acts 2:38-41, Romans 10:9, Titus 3:3-5).
9. Our holiness in daily living is a command from God. We are called to be set apart from the world and the ways of the world (sanctified) and live as saints of God (Ephesians 1:1, Ephesians 2:1-4, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8, 1 John 2:15-17).
10. We are committed to remembering the poor by demonstrating compassion to those who suffer by regularly doing whatever we can to lessen their burdens (Galatians 2:10).

COMMUNITY: sharing in fellowship and strengthening - As members of the body we are bonded at the time of our immersion in water that united us with Christ’s death and brought with it the promise of absolute forgiveness; the Holy Spirit and a new life; our hope of heaven and the gift of eternal life; the church body and our devotion to being members of the family of God. Moreover, we believe this will lead to congregations that glorify God, full of faithful disciples and growing in both spirit and number.
11. Membership in our congregation constitutes baptized disciples - men and women who have pledged to live their lives as saints of God in the holiness He requires. Our members agree to strive to be devoted to the “body life” of the church (Romans 12:10, Hebrews 3:12,13; 10:24-25).
12. The Lord’s Supper is a regular community action of sharing in the presence of Christ as a sacred event, breaking the bread and drinking the fruit of the vine (1 Corinthians 10:17-34).
13. Giving towards God is a fragrant offering and a sign of our thankfulness. Since everything we enjoy in life is a gift from God, we cheerfully and sacrificially contribute our finances to the church in order to see the ministry of Jesus advance throughout our communities and around the world (1 Corinthians 9:7-14, Philippians 4:14-19).
14. We also realize that our congregation has a unique history and current context. As a result, we will possess common convictions and practices that serve us in the present times much in the same way as consensus resolutions of Acts 15 helped preserve the unity for that time. Addressing some of the particular issues facing our church amidst culture tensions requires biblical reflection, spiritual discernment, and courage. As various concerns and issues surface, our leadership strives together with the congregation to clearly discern God’s wisdom and leading.
CVC Staff

I enjoy good coffee, good books, and spending good time with my family. Every now and then, I get pretty excited about basketball too.
Dustin Wood // Evangelist
I grew up in Milwaukee, WI and had a generic faith in God from early on. As a freshman in college, I was unsure of who I was and was wandering through life. During that time, I was invited to a personal Bible study where my faith in God and my understanding of Jesus began to grow. I became a Christian when I was 19 years old and loved the friendships that I made in the church.
After I graduated college, I was led to Minneapolis where I worked in Campus Ministry and met my wonderful wife, Stevi. God gave us two amazing children, and together, He led us to serve in various churches around the Midwest. In 2020, God brought us to Eau Claire, WI. Here we have had the opportunity to grow with and serve the Chippewa Valley Church. I enjoy good coffee, good books, and spending good time with my family. Every now and then, I get pretty excited about basketball too.

I sometimes enjoy puzzling, gardening, and camping. I always enjoy road trips, thrifting, and singing karaoke. But I live for long chats with friends over matcha lattes.
Stevi // Minister
As a daughter of ministers I am deeply grateful to have grown up in a home that was built on a love for Christ and a devotion to ministry. As a young teenager I studied the Bible to develop my own personal convictions and in 2004 Jesus washed away my sins forevermore at my baptism.
In 2011 I had the honor of marrying Dustin and we have been working side-by-side for churches around the midwest ever since. Our greatest earthly treasures, our two children, were born in 2015 and 2017 while we led the Fort Wayne Church of Christ.
In 2020 we landed in Eau Claire, Wisconsin where we plan to raise our family and serve the Chippewa Valley Church as long as God allows. I am a preacher's daughter who married a preacher and then found my own call to ministry. As a minister at CVC my passion is facilitating a rich women's ministry, creating opportunities for community outreach, and helping others to find their place in God's eternal story.

Joel Peed // Evangelist
I was born in Minnesota and grew up the youngest of four children, and we attended a small rural church where my dad was a bi-vocational pastor. So I grew up around a lot of God, but never really built my own connection with God until college. Family and church family were big parts of my life, and so about halfway through college I decided I better find some sort of church community in Minneapolis where I resided.
Shortly thereafter I was invited to our sister church in the Twin Cities. As I dug into the Scriptures now on my own conviction, I quickly saw the difference between believing in Jesus and following Him wholeheartedly, and was baptized into Christ in 1992. I was asked to train for the full time ministry, and after initial resistance, received a passion to serve God and His church.
In 2002 we were asked to move to Nebraska and lead a church in Omaha. This was a refining time where again God took me significantly deeper into what a healthy church should look and feel like, and instilled convictions as to how to carefully build that culture. In 2006, with no money or people, God moved in Christy and I's heart to plant the Chippewa Valley Church in Eau Claire, WI based on these wellness principles. God has done more than we could have ever imagined in saving the lost, healing the wounded, placing the lonely in His family, and sending leaders throughout the world.
We are now some of those leaders the Spirit is sending as we currently coach and consult with ministers and congregations globally to build holistic wellness in the family and church family.
I love spending time with my family, especially competing with them (well, kind of competing) in all kinds of sports! Two highlights of my week are my wife and I's weekly date, and of course a blessed sabbath day at the cabin. I enjoy good coffee and making sweet memories with friends, family, and church family.

I enjoy golfing, reading, teaching indoor cycling at the YMCA, and competing at pretty much everything!
Christy Peed // Minister
I grew up in Chetek, Wisconsin sporadically attending church. I always assumed I was a Christian simply because I believed in God. My life, however, demonstrated something completely different. I struggled with self-hatred and sought love and attention in all the wrong ways-- drinking, immoral relationships, and worldly success. At the age of 22, I had graduated from college, was teaching kindergarten, and was in a serious relationship with a man i thought I would marry. However, God had other plans. Unexpectedly my boyfriend broke up with, leaving me heartbroken. I remember being alone in my apartment, crying out to God, asking Him, "Why?" Within a week, a coworker invited me to his church. It was at this church I witnessed people of all races, ages, and genders worshipping and loving God with all their hearts. At that first service I attended I was invited to study the Bible. For the first time, I learned that being a Christian meant putting God first, repenting of my sin, and following Jesus. On November13, 1994 I was baptized into Christ and became a member of his beautiful family. Thirty years later, through both good times and bad, I can say I have never once regretted that decision.
A few months after becoming a Christian I was invited to serve as a summer intern in the ministry. I eagerly accepted the call, determined to help people to know God and become Christians. My role has changed over the years, from leading a singles ministry to campus ministry, to serving alongside my husband, leading a region of a large church in Minneapolis, and then leading a whole church in Omaha in both paid and volunteer roles. In 2006 we moved back to Wisconsin and planted the Chippewa Valley Church in Eau Claire. Just recently we handed over the leadership of CVC to Dustin and Stevi Wood and launched Eremos Ministry. This ministry teaches, trains, and coaches ministers and leaders around the world in the spiritual disciplines and rhythms of renewal that build spiritually healthy families and churches. This year I will be completing my master's degree in Spiritual Formation.

Steve Payne // Teacher

Liz Wild // Campus Ministry Intern
I grew up in a church, but it was not until college that I truly began to seek a relationship with God for myself. I joined a Bible study on the University of Minnesota campus where I learned a lot about the Bible. However, I was still unsure about pursuing a relationship with God for myself. During COVID-19 I was sent home from school and God was able to soften my heart-- I began to see the unpredictability of this world and realized I truly wanted a relationship with God: the Creator, the One who never changes, and who can save me from my own sinful nature. I was baptized in November of 2020 and I am so grateful for how God has worked (and continues to work) in my life!
More recently, I moved to Eau Claire to work with the college ministry here, to join Jesus on His mission as He works here too! I have been loving it and am excited for what the future may bring!

Elvis Nyasani // Campus Ministry Intern
I was born and raised in Kenya, where I lived for 14 years before my family and I moved to the US. Growing up in Kenya, my view of God was shaped primarily by the education system. I learned about God through a historical and education lens, rather than understanding Him as my Lord. Church attendance, Sunday school, and fellowship were cultural practices for me. While I acknowledged Jesus and had respect for Him, I hadn't accepted His grace and was focused on becoming good on my own terms. Moving to the US changed a lot for me. It drew me farther from any progress I had made in moving closer to God. Although I considered myself morally "good," during my high school and early college years, I lived as someone who rejected God through my actions an decisions. It wasn't until the COVID-19 pandemic hit that I began to deeply consider learning about God. Like many, the pandemic was a challenging time for me. The deep isolation stripped me of the great hopes I had for the future but also gave me an opportunity to listen to God's calling. In retrospect, the challenges I faced were a reflection of John 6:44, with God instilling a desire in my heart to seek Him.
In the winter of 2020 a high school friend invited me to start going through the Bible to help me build a relationship with God. After various studies of foundational topics I declared Christ as my Lord at Two Cities Church (Minneapolis) on April 10, 2021. It has been a great journey , showing me that only God can be my hope. Each challenge has reminded me to cling to His Word, His promises, and especially the goodness of His nature. God has blessed me with the opportunity to work with the Minneapolis congregation as a campus intern for the summer of 2024. As I continue to grow as a disciple, my hope is to deepen my pursuit of Him, always thirsty and hungry for God. Along the way, I aim to be an example to others by using the gifts and opportunities I have been given to lead others to the living water.

Carter Peed // Campus Ministry Intern
My journey began as a child, growing up going to church and being taught how to live as a Christian. As a family we attended church every week and I became very involved in the youth ministry I was apart of. I grew up loving God and always knew that I wanted to dedicate my life to following Him as a disciple. As I got older I began to realize my sin and all the ways I fell short of the glory of God. After several impactful years at our church's summer youth camp and a mission trip abroad I decided to start studying the Bible. Growing up in the church I knew all the right answers, but these studies really helped me to get to the heart of what it meant to follow God and have a heart set on loving Him above all else and letting God be the lord of my life, rather than myself. I made Jesus Lord and got baptized on November 12, 2017.
Throughout the next five years I grew in my faith and matured with the Holy Spirit working on my character. When I moved away from home to go to college, I was excited for this next chapter in my life to serve God in a new way. However, I was unprepared for how difficult living away from home would be for me spiritually and went through some dark times in my walk with God. But thanks to the love and forgiveness of God and some wonderful mentors in my life I was able to continue out of the valley and move forward in my walk with God. Over the next year I fell more and more in love with God and after completing a Ministry in Training program, felt that all the things in my life that I had been passionate about were nothing compared to my passion for God and that I have been placed in my life with an opportunity to serve Him. That lead me here, to intern full-time in the ministry in Eau Claire, Wisconsin!